All About Chocolate Class for Adults

All About Chocolate Class
Thursday, February 15th at 6pm
Heritage Room, 2nd Floor
Ages 19+ only, please.

Registration is required for this event. The link will be posted HERE and on the Adults homepage on January 11th.

Learn all about artisan and fine chocolate in this fun tasting class with a local chocolate sommelier. Each spot is guarenteed a tasting plate. Never been to a tasting? No problem! This class is geared for beginners and anyone interested in learning about chocolate.

All About Chocolate Registration and Class FAQs
What is a chocolate sommelier?
Chocolate sommeliers are professionals who have studied a wide range of aspects in the field of chocolate and are able to discern and articulate the quality of chocolate based on flavor, ingredients, and texture. In short, they're chocolate experts and able to guide consumers to understand and appreciate the art of chocolate.

Is there a cost for the class?
No! We're able to keep this class free for patrons at this time.

Do you have to have a spanish fork library card to register?
Anyone in the community is welcome to register with or without a library card!

I wasn't able to get in. Do you have a waitlist? And what are the chances I'll get in if I end up on a waitlist?
We do have a waitlist. You can contact us by sending an email to to be put on the waitlist for the event. We'll list people in order of emails recieved and contact you directly if/when a spot opens. You're also welcome to come at the time of the class and if there are no shows, we can let you in.

I registered, but I won't be able to attend!
Please let us know so we can notify those waiting! These events fill up quickly and we always have a waitlist.

Can I register with my children?
Unfortunately, we aren't able to accomodate children for this adults-only event. We do have regular cooking and food experiences for families and kids throughout the year, so keep an eye on the calendar for those!

I have some dietary allergies and restrictions. Can you accomodate those?
We cannot guarentee that items will be free from allergens, but we'll do our best! Since we'll be tasting artisanal chocolates, fillers and other ingredients that are common in mass produced chocolates will be absent. Plus, artisanal dark chocolate doesn't have dairy! But please reach out and we'll discuss what we can do for you to make this a wonderful experience.

I've never done a tasting before. Is there anything in particular I need to do to prepare?
Just bring yourself! We recommend avoiding heavy food and strong flavors before the event, just so you're better able to taste the flavors in the chocolate. At the class, we'll have palatte cleansers and other fun things along with the chocolate. Don't worry though, we'll make sure to walk you through everything!