Lead Pipe Safety Program

Lead Pipe Safety Program

We are committed to creating a community that thrives by providing a safe, secure, and enjoyable environment for all of our water users. Complying with the EPA’s Federal lead and copper drinking water program is one way that we can succeed in providing safe and clean water to anyone who partakes and fulfill our commitment of safety to our community.

If your home was built before 1991, please fill out the Lead Pipe Verification Form (above) to help us inventory the pipes in our water system.

*Spanish Fork City complies with all of the EPA's rules and regulations for Lead and Copper.*

Water Division Contact Information

John Waters
Water Division Manager
John Waters
(801) 804-4453
Paul Taylor
Assistant Water Division Manager
Paul Taylor
(801) 804-4458
Nicolas Morris
Cross Connection Control Administrator
Nicolas Morris
(801) 804-4516