Utility Services

Utility Services and Bill Calculation

This page is intended to help customers understand what utility services the city provides and how the bill is calculated for those services.
Visit our utility rates page to see our current rates.

Spanish Fork City does not provide natural gas service. Contact Dominion Energy at 800-323-5517 for this service.

Metered Services:

Your bill for metered services is made up of a base rate charge and a usage rate charge.

Base Rate Charge

The base rate is billed to every active customer every month even if there is no usage. The base rate charge is based on the size of the meter and the customer type.

Usage Rate Charge

The usage rate is assessed depending upon how much the service is used. This charge along with a tiered rate structure encourages conservation.

Garbage and Recycle Collection:

The bill for cans is calculated by multiplying the number of cans by the current rate.

All residents are required by city code to have at least 1 garbage can, though more may be ordered if desired. New accounts must also have one recycle can for a minimum of 6 months. Additional garbage and recycling cans are optional and, if ordered, must be kept for a minimum of 6 months.

Stormwater Collection:

This service is billed according to Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs).

Note: One Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) is equal to 3,956 sq. ft. of impervious surface area. All single-family and multi-family residential parcels are equal to one (1) ERU. All other developed parcels are calculated on the basis of 3956 sq. ft. of impervious surface are equals one (1) ERU, with a minimum of one (1) ERU.

Sewer Collection:

Your sewer bill is made up of a base rate charge and a usage rate charge.

Base Rate Charge

The base rate is billed to every active customer every month even if the property is vacant. The base rate charge is based on the size of the meter and the customer type

Usage Rate Charge

While the sewer usage is not metered, there is still a usage charge based on the average usage of drinking water during the winter months. It is assumed that during these months the water ends up in the sewer system.

Spanish Fork Community Network Services:

  • Cable
  • Internet
  • Phone

The rates for these optional services are dependent upon the package(s) selected. Current rates can be viewed at sfcn.org.